ListView is pretty widely used. There are situations when you would like to group/categorize your list items. To achieve such a thing on Android, you would probably use the ExpandableListView. The data to the ExpandableListView is supplied by a special kind of adapter called the SimpleExpandableListAdapter which extends the BaseExpandableListAdapter.
As with any other widget on Android, you are free to customize the widgets as per your needs. Here, I will show how to create such a custom list adapter for the ExpandableListView.
For this example, I want to show a list of vehicles with their names. Also, I want to group them according to their category.
I have 4 classes.
1. Vehicle : The parent class for the rest.
2. Car: Extends the Vehicle class.
3. Bus: Extends the Vehicle class.
4. Bike: Extends the Vehicle class.
I have a method called getRandomVehicle(String name) which returns a random vehicle instance setting the name that I pass. The vehicle can be a Bus, Car or a Bike. Its completely random.
In the ExpandableListAdapter, (the custom adapter), there's a method called addItem(Vehicle vehicle), which manages the groups and their children.
In the SampleActivity, I have initialized a blank ExpandableListAdapter and set it to the list view. Now, I start a thread, which gets a random vehicle after every 2 seconds, and adds it to the adapter, and calls the adapter to notify that the data has changed.
There are a few methods, in the ExpandableListAdapter, which you should go through carefully. I have two layout files, group_layout.xml and child_layout.xml which are used as the layout for the group views and the child views of the ExpandableListView.
There you go, you have a custom ExpandableListView. You can find the full source code for this example here, ready to run.
There are some more methods that you might be interested in, like, how to change the "arrow icon" for the group views(official doc link), or how to expand or collapse a group at will, or how to handle specific events like group collapsed or group expanded. Read the docs on ExpandableListView.
As with any other widget on Android, you are free to customize the widgets as per your needs. Here, I will show how to create such a custom list adapter for the ExpandableListView.
For this example, I want to show a list of vehicles with their names. Also, I want to group them according to their category.
I have 4 classes.
1. Vehicle : The parent class for the rest.
2. Car: Extends the Vehicle class.
3. Bus: Extends the Vehicle class.
4. Bike: Extends the Vehicle class.
I have a method called getRandomVehicle(String name) which returns a random vehicle instance setting the name that I pass. The vehicle can be a Bus, Car or a Bike. Its completely random.
In the ExpandableListAdapter, (the custom adapter), there's a method called addItem(Vehicle vehicle), which manages the groups and their children.
In the SampleActivity, I have initialized a blank ExpandableListAdapter and set it to the list view. Now, I start a thread, which gets a random vehicle after every 2 seconds, and adds it to the adapter, and calls the adapter to notify that the data has changed.
There are a few methods, in the ExpandableListAdapter, which you should go through carefully. I have two layout files, group_layout.xml and child_layout.xml which are used as the layout for the group views and the child views of the ExpandableListView.
There you go, you have a custom ExpandableListView. You can find the full source code for this example here, ready to run.
There are some more methods that you might be interested in, like, how to change the "arrow icon" for the group views(official doc link), or how to expand or collapse a group at will, or how to handle specific events like group collapsed or group expanded. Read the docs on ExpandableListView.